Sunday kind of mood.
Sov alldeles för länge idag. Har sedan pysslat på lite här hemma, promenerat med Elvis (där jag träffade och fick en trevlig pratstund med Linnea) och älsklingen har grillat kotletter ute på terrassen. Mycket mumsigt...
Hittade min Mp3 idag, som jag har sökt efter hur länge som helst. Jag måste erkänna att jag har varit dålig på att leta eftersom den låg på ett så enkelt ställe som i nattduksbordet. Fattar inte varför jag alltid har så svårt att hitta åt grejer?? Jag tycker ändå att jag har någorlunda ordning hemma, men det kanske bara är jag som är lite smått förvirrad??!
Jag har även hunnit med att springa lite intervaller och småjogga för att avsluta med en härlig solariestund på SunTan. Har fått mitt schema för sommaren på Mois nu, det ser bra ut. Dock ska jag försöka byta så jag kan vara med vid två matchtillfällen.
Har egentligen inte så mycket vettigt att blogga om.
Just nu: Går Spottan på högvarv på Cheryl Cole -Fight for this love, John Mayer, L.W och Lady Gaga- Alejandro.
John Mayer - Heartbreak Warfare
Lightning strikes
Inside, my chest to keep me up at night
Dream of ways
To make you understand my pain
Clouds of sulfur in the air
Bombs are falling everywhere
It's heartbreak warfare
Once you want it to begin,
No one really ever wins
In heartbreak warfare
If you want more love,
why don't you say so?
If you want more love,
why don't you say so?
Drop his name
Push it in and twist the knife again
Watch my face
As I pretend to feel no pain
Clouds of sulfur in the air
Bombs are falling everywhere
It's heartbreak warfare
Once you want it to begin,
No one really ever wins
In heartbreak warfare.
If you want more love,
why don't you say so?
If you want more love,
why don't you say so?
Just say so...
How come the only way to know how high you get me
is to see how far I fall
God only knows how much I'd love you if you let me
but I can't break through at all.
I don't care if we don't sleep at all tonight
Let's just fix this whole thing now
I swear to God we're gonna get it right
If you lay your weapon down
Red wine and ambien
You're talking *shit* again, it's heartbreak warfare
Good to know it's all a game
Disappointment has a name, it's heartbreak, heartbreak.
Inside, my chest to keep me up at night
Dream of ways
To make you understand my pain
Clouds of sulfur in the air
Bombs are falling everywhere
It's heartbreak warfare
Once you want it to begin,
No one really ever wins
In heartbreak warfare
If you want more love,
why don't you say so?
If you want more love,
why don't you say so?
Drop his name
Push it in and twist the knife again
Watch my face
As I pretend to feel no pain
Clouds of sulfur in the air
Bombs are falling everywhere
It's heartbreak warfare
Once you want it to begin,
No one really ever wins
In heartbreak warfare.
If you want more love,
why don't you say so?
If you want more love,
why don't you say so?
Just say so...
How come the only way to know how high you get me
is to see how far I fall
God only knows how much I'd love you if you let me
but I can't break through at all.
I don't care if we don't sleep at all tonight
Let's just fix this whole thing now
I swear to God we're gonna get it right
If you lay your weapon down
Red wine and ambien
You're talking *shit* again, it's heartbreak warfare
Good to know it's all a game
Disappointment has a name, it's heartbreak, heartbreak.